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Cove Tigers Netball Club exists to provide opportunities to those who wish to participate & compete in netball,

and to be involved in the game at the grassroots and community level

Cove Tigers Netball Club

Get Involved

Cubs Coaching Clinics.  Sunday morning sessions designed for building ball skills, physical coordination and making new friends.  The perfect introduction to team sports for boys and girls.

Netball Games in a more competitive setting, in one of two South Australian netball Competitions (SAUCNA and SUNA).  Trainings in Hallett Cove.

Opportunities for umpires at all levels to join our club

Every team needs a coach; a mentor, a guide and an inspiration.  That could be you!

Our club runs entirely because of amazing volunteers who organise everything from matches to uniforms, social events and equipment.  We would love you to bring your expertise to our club and support our players!

Launched in 2024, this program takes place at our home grounds for 7 weeks. 

Aimed at adults that are either wanting to get back into playing netball after some time off, playing for the first time, or simply wanting to learn new skills. 

This program assists participants to build confidence through foundation skills and an understanding of the rules of the game, with the intent of playing competition for our club.

"We know what we are,

but know not what we may be"

William Shakespeare

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